Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a few frequently asked questions as well as their answers. If you do not find the answer you seek, please contact us here »

Q: How do I apply for a grant?

You can apply for a grant online through our website using our Grant Portal.

Q: What types of organizations do you support?

We support public nonprofit charities with IRS 501(c)(3) designation or de facto tax-exempt status, houses of worship, government entities and fiscal sponsors.

Q: Do you accept unsolicited proposals?

We do not accept unsolicited proposals for funding.

Q: Do you accept proposals for sponsorships?

We do not accept unsolicited sponsorship proposals.

Q: Do you have any other limits to grant requests?

Our grants can support no more than 20-25% of your organization’s overall annual budget.

Q: Our organization does not directly address housing, education, employment or asset building. May we still apply?

Under our strategic plan, the Bunnelle Foundation makes grants to organizations whose work advances and supports our five long-term focus areas for the Georgetown County region. If you can demonstrate that your organization’s work directly advances those goals, you may submit an application.

Q: What are the sizes of grants (i.e. how much should we request)?

Grants for the Common Good requests can be made for up to $15,000 while the Mini Grant requests can be made for between $250 – $5,000.

Q: How long is a grant term?

The grant term for Grants for the Common Good is 9 months meaning funding should be spent and a final report submitted 9 months after the Foundation’s check is received. The grant term for Mini Grants is 6 months meaning funding should be spent and a final report submitted within 6 months after the Foundation’s check is received.

Q: What is the process after I submit an application?

Once submitted, every request goes through an evaluation process by the staff including a proposal review, financial analysis and team discussions. We will send you an email acknowledgement that your submission was received and you will generally receive our decision within two weeks of your original application date.

Q: If I have received a grant, when can I reapply?

While the length in grant terms differ, the timeline restriction is the same. Organizations may receive no more than one Grant for the Common Good or one Mini Grant per 12-month period.

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