Youth Collaboratives

At the Bunnelle Foundation we have learned that when like-minded groups work together, we all reap huge benefits. So, one way we build community is to offer free, expert facilitating services to several collaborative groups. Many of these groups are centered around encouraging positive youth development, one of Mrs. Bunnelle’s primary areas of interest. They have organized themselves into the “Youth Collaboratives of Georgetown County.” Here is their story:

The Youth Collaboratives of Georgetown County includes groups of practitioners and retirees who volunteer their time to work together to improve the lives of children and youth in the Georgetown community using one of the most powerful tools for change – collaboration.

We believe we can help children, youth and their families best when people, organizations, and agencies work together. We believe it’s important to:

Our collective vision is that all children and youth will have opportunities to reach their full potential. We want all children who grow up and choose to live in Georgetown County to be able to say they have had sufficient opportunities to become contributing members of this community.

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